Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Nazi party in 1921. Hitler believed that the German or Aryan race was the “master race” and wanted to expand Germany into Poland and Russia. He thought that the people living there, the slaves, should either serve the master race or be exterminated. People started listening to him and started liking what he was saying. In the election of 1930 and 1932 the Nazis became the largest party. On January 30th 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. He then wanted emergency powers for four years and he got it in March. The Nazi party then overruled all of the other political parties. Most of the Germans supported him but those that didn’t were being arrested, beat and tortured by the secret police (otherwise known as the Gestapo). In 1939 Hitler declared war in the east and England and France declared war and started preparing for the attack in the west. In 1940 the Germans conquered Poland, Denmark and Norway. Hitler then conquered Holland and Belgium and started to go to France. On June 22nd France surrendered. Hitler had control of most of Europe. The Nazis started sending thousands of people to Germany as slaves. They also made anti-Jewish laws and started to send Jews to extermination camps. In 1941 the Nazis had their first roundup of Jews.   

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